Six amazing, and possibly unexpected, things about life as a cataloguer

Last week on Twitter, Deborah Lee of the Courtauld Institute of Art listed the “six amazing things” about being a cataloguer, taken from a presentation she had written to give to library school students. Here at HVCats, we loved these six amazing things and thought they deserved a wider audience.

What would your six amazing things be? And how do you describe being a cataloguer when training a new member of staff or talking to students and others new to the library world?

Six amazing things about life as a cataloguer

Posted on November 15, 2011, in Skills promotion stories and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. No. 5 definitely my favourite!

  2. I also like number 5, but number 1 is very true. I think cataloguers know more about their stock than anyone else.

  3. I didn’t enter the library world wanting to be a cataloger. After my 1st real job as a librarian I found myself needing to find a job quick. I made a lateral transfer into our system’s cataloging department and I’ve never looked back. Cataloging is fun and creative. I get to see so much and learn so much on this job. I’m proud to be a cataloger.

  4. number 3 is the hardest but creative part in cataloging.

  5. #5 and #6 is me!

  6. Hated it, myself!!!

  7. I like # 2. People think cataloging is just following a bunch of rules. It’s not. There is room for creativity and analytical ability is a definite requirement too.

    • It is a real fun and challenging as well. It is creative and broadens the knoweldge of the cataloger, I love it more than any other library jobs.

  8. Number 4 is so true!!! When the library’s internet (and catalog) crash, it’s what’s in my head that helps students find what they need.

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